This is your second chance

I woke up this morning with a list running through my mind of everything I hoped to accomplish today, this week, in life…  The wiser part of me said, “This worrying through the ‘shoulds’ is not helpful.”  But that knowledge didn’t help me to feel less pressured.

Knowing that a change in perspective can really change what we experience, I sought to feel better in my body.  I breathed for a few minutes, enjoying the comfort of my blankets, the sound of my dog breathing at my feet, and the sensations of aliveness in my skin.

Then I went into the kitchen and played some feel-good music as I made breakfast for the girls.  I chose “Second Chance” by Miten, a song that I was so moved to hear at a mantra concert a few weeks ago.

I found this lovely video that some beautiful soul made to go with the song.

Taking in the beauty of the music, I stopped to watch my girls.  They were now making bracelets as they ate their breakfast, consecrating the kitchen table with a confetti of muffin crumbs and rainbow rubber bands.

I heard Miten say
“And we all come and go like waves on the sea
Each with our own responsibility
To leave this world more beautiful than we found it.”

It occurred to me that every moment is a kind of second chance.  Enjoy, and may your day be infused with beauty, and the fresh perspective of second chances.